我们的步骤是: 1.节点描述(作文审题) 2.节点问题点、难点、关键点(文章的逻辑安排) ③ 节点操作规范、标准(词汇及语法的规范) 4. 问题的预防、处理计划或措施(考前的记忆练习) 下面,我们用老年人这个话题来示范一下这四个步骤的具体运用 第一步:节点描述(作文审题) 雅思写作题目十一年内与老年人直接相关的题出现过9次,基本上是每年必出的常规话题之一。值得一提的是,2013年作文题中还没有直接出现老年人这个词眼,只提到了人们要不要为今后退休生活存钱。 Recently the proportion of older people has increased. Do you think it will make positive or negative effect on society? 20060211,20111008,20120310 老龄化会有哪些影响? Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new generations, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree? Why? 030712, 030809, 20051029 是否要鼓励老人早点退休以达到为年轻人留出更多机会的目的? Today, in many countries, there is insufficient respect to old people. What are the reasons? What problems it might cause? 20060708 当今社会对老年人不够尊重的原因和可能带来的问题是哪些? Nowadays, high-technologies such as mobile phones and internet are rarely used by old people. How should these technologies be useful to old people? How to encourage old people to use the technologies? 20080628 如何使高科技产品对老年人更有帮助?如何鼓励老年人使用这些科技? Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20070825 谁来为老年人的退休生活买单? Saving money is a good habit for an individual after retirement. Do you agree or disagree? 20130606 人们要不要为退休后生活存钱? 第二步:节点问题点、难点、关键点(文章的逻辑安排) 英美虽然不存在有文化部这个部门,但实际上的确存在着一种主旋律的调调,比如说会稍显刻意地强调对于弱势群体的关注,而老人、小孩、妇女、穷人、少数民族、**等群体就是我们通常而言比较需要被关注到的弱势人群。雅思作文每年都会出现三次左右有关弱势群体的考题。另外在其他题目写作的时候,从这些群体的立场出发思考问题,也不妨为我们分类讨论的一种思路和角度,体现出咱们的人性关怀。所以这类问题在段落安排上尽量辩证去分析,避免一边倒的说法。 第三步:节点操作规范、标准(词汇及语法的规范) 说到老年人的表达,大家可以尽量避免一开始就出现old people, old folks这样的表达,**个原因是这样比较偏口语化,*二个原因是咱们这样说有点offensive,雅思写作用语始终应该注意委婉度与高级度。所以我们建议先把elderly, pensioner, seniorcitizen, the aged这些表达用出来。而老年人通常会面对到的问题一般而言是体能不足(physical inadequacies),不能快速接受新事物(fail to adopt innovations),可能会被强制退休(compulsory retirement)生活窘迫(life distress)年龄歧视(age discrimination)缺少专业的护理(lackof professional care givers)等等问题。 更多英语资讯可关注公众号:威海优尼特国际英语学校。